6月包网活动-588Win Games License Fee减免优惠

  • 活动厂商:568Win Games
  • 参与客户:既有开启568Win Games的包网客户
  • 活动期间:2024/05/22-2024.06/30
  • 计算期间:2024/06/01-2024.06/30
  • 活动条件:
    条件一 / 摆放指定Banner
    条件二 / 设置后台Referral (非必要)
    条件三 / 活动期间内新玩家达到Turnover 100 USD 享最高150 USD等值 License Fee减免
  • 活动币别:ALL
  • 指定游戏:全部 568Win Games
  • 注意事项:
    事项ㄧ / 更换Banner请于”手机版”&”电脑版”都要更换
    事项二 / 568Win将保留活动最终决定权,包括随时暂停、更改或终止活动及修改有关条款及细则之权利。
  • 相關連結:
    如何在后台设置Referral👉🏻設定教學(Setup tutorial)

  • Event Games Provider:568Win Games
  • Engage Client:WL Clients who have opened 568Win Games
  • Event period: 2024/05/22-2024.06/30
  • Calculation period: 2024/06/01-2024.06/30
  • Event conditions:
    Condition 1 / Place designated Banner
    Condition 2 / Set up Back Office Referral (Non-essential)
    Condition 3 / New players who reach Turnover 100 USD during the event can enjoy up to 150 USD equivalent License Fee reduction
  • Currency:ALL
  • Specified games:All of 568Win Games Click the URL to download the banner for the event👉🏻
  • Warnning:
    (1) / To change the banner, please change it in both “mobile version” and “computer version”
    (2) / 568Win will reserve the right to make the final decision on the event, including the right to suspend, change or terminate the event at any time and modify the relevant terms and conditions .
  • Related links:
    How to set up in the Back Office Referral👉🏻設定教學(Setup tutorial)
    Click the URL to download the banner for the event👉🏻https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/10MLwT7PCZFyt25qsDtjB4buevTLVyFUT?usp=sharing